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Herman Cain-Is all this just a left wing conspiracy?

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2011 5:01 pm
by Shadowmaster
What do you all think? Is this just the left wing idiots trying to ruin the reputation of a black man than can beat Obama in a fair election? Are the allegations true? Or is there something more sinister going on? Hmmmmmmm........

Re: Herman Cain-Is all this just a left wing conspiracy?

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2013 6:05 pm
by star87
I realize this post was made a long time ago (forgive me for being delinquent in responding), but I personally think it's a right wing conspiracy. As long as we're going down the conspiracy path, I put it on the right wingers. Granted, it's not like the liberals aren't above doing crap like this. However, I think they were flying high with thoughts of Obama winning again. I don't think they considered Cain a legitimate threat to their boy's success. I think it was the Republicans that couldn't stomach someone in the driver's seat who wasn't a career politician. What are your thoughts?
I think the allegations were based on fact, but were technically false. He probably did help that woman, but not in the way, nor in the magnitude of which he was chastised. On a side note, I think it's crappy how fast he bowed out of the race. This is another reason why I point the finger at the Republicans. Cain didn't back down from the liberals when they were pulling punches on him. This was something new, something of a different nature.