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Political Commentators and Journalists of Ill Repute

Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2011 9:49 pm
by star87
After watching the news this evening, I was appalled by the flagrant LEFT leaning of the current mainstream media. Long have I known and accepted that media is no longer as unbiased as they claim to be, but tonight's broadcast caught me completely off guard. Instead of labelling the Tuscon shooter as he is (a raving lunatic with no moral ground to speak of) the media presents him as a poor citizen who has bought into the political mudslinging of the times. Instead of demonizing the evil, the media has chosen to demonize the conservative movement, the tea partyists, and Sarah Palin (just an aside, those crosshairs that Palin had placed over certain districts meant they should be targeted for letters and emails, not bullets, you idiots. Have you never heard of symbolism in those filthy dustbins you call your alma maters?).
Are you kidding me? On what planet is this even remotely a feasible storyline? They aren't even offering these lies as an option...they have become the gospel truth. Journalists such as...well, I guess I don't even have to name them, you know who they are...are force feeding the public these lies and are even misleading the people they are interviewing by asking leading questions. It's journalists like them who are whoring out their entire field and everyone who works in it.
Get your facts straight or go home you brood of vipers! Let the American public have a chance to hear the truth!

Re: Political Commentators and Journalists of Ill Repute

Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2011 9:31 am
by Shadowmaster
Once again, I apologize for being sooooooo slow, but I've been blessed with a job that has extremely busy lately.

I couldn't agree more with what you said. The problem, in my view is that the libtard media knows their target audience. They cater to those who have only the slightest idea of what they believe and want someone else to do the work of telling them what to think. Using a Conservative's faux pas {the Sarah Palin thing} to try to distract everyone from the true issue at hand just shows their own lack of intelligence.

This is just another example of what I am trying to get across, and that is that you, the individual, you have to use your own mind, thoughts, intelligence, experience, and common sense to understand what the truth is. In this case, you have to see through the veil of half truths and political spin to understand that the problem here is that if the media lays blame where it ought to lay {the shooter who falls into the target audience of the libtard media}, then they would incriminate not only their target audience, but also those institutions that help turn out not only those that would have others tell them what to think, but those that believe government knows what is best for the individual. Even a libtard knows better than too bite the hand that feeds them.

As long as there is a significant percentage of the population {people such as yourself star87} that can see through their crap, glean through their rhetoric for the facts, we will be okay. What do I base this on, just check FOX news ratings against the other three big networks.